Sound is one of the most cruÂcial aspects of any horÂror expeÂriÂence. Games use sound to great effect by rampÂing up the tenÂsion using the music and sound effects. Since the playÂer inhabÂits the body of the proÂtagÂoÂnist while playÂing a horÂror game, every creak in the floorÂboard will leave you on edge. Wales InterÂacÂtive, purÂveyÂor of great FMV games like The ComÂplex and Late Shift, are cerÂtainÂly not new to horÂror, havÂing preÂviÂousÂly released Don’t Knock Twice. Their latÂest release, Maid of Sker, is both an excelÂlent examÂple of how sound can be inteÂgral to a horÂror expeÂriÂence but is also a love letÂter to surÂvival horÂror from a crew that clearÂly loves the genre.