Dur­ing an oth­er­wise upbeat Nin­ten­do Direct, a moment of ter­ror ensued when Poké­mon Shuf­fle, a free-to-play match three game, was announced for the 3DS. My opin­ion of these games by and large is that they are poor­ly paced and even less fun. Still, as the min­utes rolled by, that ter­ror trans­formed into some­thing else: curios­i­ty. Nin­ten­do has a pret­ty decent track record when it comes to mak­ing a con­cept work bet­ter than any­one else. That being said, I began to won­der if some­how Nin­ten­do could apply their mag­i­cal touch to the free-to-play for­mu­la and make it fun. When the game became avail­able, I let my curios­i­ty get there bet­ter of me and I tried it out at length. What I end­ed up with was an unsur­pris­ing­ly mixed bag that met each of my expectations.


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