You might be wondering, at this point, why my number 1 game of the year is technically a demo for a full game that hasn’t arrived yet. Deciding on this was not an easy task, but I firmly stand behind my decision. Was P.T. the most polished and well-designed game to come out this year? I would actually answer “no” to that question. It was, however, the most visceral and immersive experience in gaming I had this year if not in several years. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve been as effectively scared by anything in a very long time.
As I walked down that hallway time and again, my body was physically telling me it was extremely against continuing. A common physical response to fear is your blood leaving your extremities leaving you with a feeling of cold feet. While playing this game, my feet felt like ice cubes. At the point where the tension P.T. so successfully builds comes to a climax, I screamed and my spouse turned to me and said she had never heard me make that noise before. This response comes from the beyond amazing visuals this game puts out as well as the spooky sound design. Even if it was a fluke, which I hope it wasn’t, everything comes together in this game so perfectly that it draws you into it in a way that all games try and sometimes fail.
The fact that this is technically a demo for the upcoming Silent Hills game does not matter to me, this free 2 hour experience was priceless for me. Anyone close to me can tell you that I was obsessed for several weeks. I played it a number of times myself and even watched several others play through for themselves. The enigmatic nature of the game even became a phenomenon in and of itself as players sought out answers to the many mysteries it had. While most feel they have a fairly good idea, it has never been confirmed that we even have a solid answer for how to trigger the end of the demo. While I will admit that this obtuse nature of the game can be confusing and even frustrating, the collaboration it created onwards figuring it out was worth the trouble.
If you have a PS4, there is absolutely no reason you should not download this game. Even if you don’t like scary stuff, I still recommend you boot it up and just see how far you’re able to get before chickening out. This truly does excite me for what is to come with the full Silent Hills and deserves my number 1 spot for game of the year 2014. Now all you have to do is turn around. Turn around…