The first major PS4 release that I was look­ing for­ward to this year was the third game in the super-pow­er fueled action sand­box series inFa­mous. The promise of inFa­mous: Sec­ond Son was that it would take you to a real­is­tic-look­ing Seat­tle and allow you to have a myr­i­ad of pow­ers at your dis­pos­al. I tru­ly believe that it deliv­ered on both of these in a way that left me quite sat­is­fied. So much so, that I actu­al­ly took the time to com­plete every­thing this game had to offer. With a beau­ti­ful­ly real­ized city and some of the best motion cap­ture work I’ve seen in any game, it was cer­tain­ly a sight to behold as well as a blast to play.


I hap­pened to go on a trip this year not long before this game came out that put me in Seat­tle for a cou­ple of days. I saw a few of the major tourist attrac­tions, but main­ly just got a feel for the city. The lit­tle bit I saw, I cer­tain­ly felt in inFa­mous: Sec­ond Son. With them being local to the area, you can real­ly tell the effort they put into mak­ing the game feel as Seat­tle as pos­si­ble. The sto­ry of the game had its ups and downs, but I main­ly thought it intro­duced some inter­est­ing char­ac­ters that were fun to get to know a lit­tle bit. The per­for­mances from the entire cast real­ly brought that aspect of the game togeth­er in a big way. The games super pow­ers are also quite a bit of fun, though I def­i­nite­ly enjoyed the neon pow­er the most. inFa­mous: Sec­ond Son cer­tain­ly deserves the num­ber 5 spot on my top 10 for 2014.

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