No joke, I lis­ten to the Unchart­ed theme while walk­ing by myself fair­ly reg­u­lar­ly, because I like to pre­tend I’m off on an epic adven­ture. Need­less to say, I have some feel­ings for this par­tic­u­lar series. If you’d asked me at the end of Unchart­ed 3 that there was any way they could suc­cess­ful­ly make anoth­er Unchart­ed game with­out mess­ing it up bad­ly, I would’ve been hard pressed to take the leap. Thank­ful­ly, the team over at Naughty Dog man­aged to stick the land­ing on Nathan Drake’s final adven­ture for Unchart­ed 4: A Thief’s End. Focused on deliv­er­ing a nar­ra­tive­ly dri­ven final chap­ter, the game makes good on devel­op­ing Nathan Drake as a char­ac­ter and shines in some of the qui­eter moments just as much as the beau­ti­ful set pieces.


It would have been easy to just let the series go after Unchart­ed 3. It did­n’t close the book com­plete­ly, but there was a rel­a­tive­ly tidy con­clu­sion. Unchart­ed 4: A Thief’s End man­aged to evolve every aspect of the series in a mean­ing­ful way that made the entire expe­ri­ence bet­ter. With some stel­lar per­for­mances by the entire cast, I was hooked on the sto­ry from the begin­ning to the end. The grap­pling hook added some extra fun to both the explo­ration and com­bat aspects of the game, even if I nev­er quite man­aged to mas­ter it. There’s some­thing to be said for how good this game looks as well. It may be one of the most gor­geous-look­ing video games out there, which is a tes­ta­ment to how mas­ter­ful Naughty Dog is at pulling pow­er out of Sony’s hard­ware. I’m proud to call Unchart­ed 4: A Thief’s End my favorite game of 2016 and whole-heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend it to lit­er­al­ly any­one who owns a PS4.

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