An out­side observ­er might have expect­ed Over­watch to be sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er on my game of the year list. The actu­al truth is that this game exist­ing on my list at all is a tes­ta­ment to how well it does its job. I can count on one hand the num­ber of mul­ti­play­er-focused games I’ve got­ten into over the years. Bliz­zard takes any con­cept they work on and pol­ish it to a high sheen and Over­watch is no excep­tion. Not only are the char­ac­ters tons of fun to see and play with, but the whole game feels a lot more friend­ly and inclu­sive than oth­ers of its kind. It’s easy to get into, dif­fi­cult to mas­ter and cel­e­brates all of the play­ers with­out putting any­one down in the process.


There’s some­thing to be said for a game that you can have a good time los­ing. Win­ning is still more fun though and I’m glad to report that I did quite a bit of both with Over­watch. In con­trast to oth­er games, I also man­aged to wran­gle togeth­er some friends to enjoy some true team­work. Bliz­zard has also con­sis­tent­ly added new maps and char­ac­ters to the game, keep­ing it feel­ing fresh well-past its launch. Though not gen­er­al­ly my cup of tea, Over­watch man­aged to woo me with its charm and ease of entry mak­ing it a fan­tas­tic can­di­date for num­ber eight in my top ten games of 2016.

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