Every­one love to talk about which gam­ing con­sole is their favorite.  Com­par­ing sys­tems to decide which is best is some­thing nat­ur­al for fans, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today.  I’m not claim­ing that any one home con­sole is any bet­ter than the oth­er, in fact I love them all for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, but I want to take a few moments today to acknowl­edge a few of the things that I love about my PS3.

SR_5Things_PS3Love PlayStation Plus

I’ll be hon­est, I was extreme­ly skep­ti­cal of Sony’s sub­scrip­tion ser­vice when it was first announced at E3 2010.  It seemed like, at the start, there just wasn’t enough to draw me into the ser­vice and I thought I’d nev­er get it.  Sony did a great job of feel­ing out their cus­tomer-base to see what fea­tures they val­ued in this ser­vice and at the 2012 E3 show, the dealt the killing blow with the Instant Game Col­lec­tion.  At any giv­en time, if you’re a sub­scriber to this ser­vice, you can instant­ly have access to sev­er­al full-sized games.  Every Tues­day night, I’m glued to my com­put­er check­ing to see what new games are added to the ser­vice and I have no plans to can­cel my mem­ber­ship any­time soon.

Awesome Exclusive Titles

You might respond to this one with the, very true, fact that there are great exclu­sives on all of the major home con­soles.  While I would read­i­ly agree with you, I’ve found that there have been more that I’ve con­sis­tent­ly enjoyed for my PS3.  This could eas­i­ly be a fac­tor of me look­ing more close­ly for them on this par­tic­u­lar sys­tem, but with series includ­ing: Unchart­ed, Kil­l­zone, Heavy Rain, God of War, InFa­mous, Ratch­et & Clank, Warhawk and Lit­tleBig­Plan­et, it’s hard to argue against a very strong cat­a­logue of exclusives.


Most peo­ple got into Xbox Achieve­ments pret­ty ear­ly and start­ed build­ing their Gamer­score.  Believe it or not, the PS3 was my first HD gam­ing con­sole and it was not until sev­er­al years lat­er that I got my Xbox.  Hav­ing already built up a nice col­lec­tion of tro­phies, that being the first sys­tem of that type I was exposed to, I was pret­ty hooked on it and haven’t been able to ful­ly com­mit to any of the oth­ers.  That being said, I’ve great­ly enjoyed col­lect­ing my tro­phies and build­ing up my lev­el.  The great thing about these types of sys­tems is that they will often get you to try some­thing in a game you might oth­er­wise com­plete­ly skip over.  This can often lead to dis­cov­er­ing some­thing you weren’t expect­ing to love in your games.

Free Online Features

Okay, yeah, I’m going there.  It’s get­ting more and more ridicu­lous that Microsoft charges their cus­tomers to play games online.  Espe­cial­ly with the addi­tion of the Instant Game Col­lec­tion via PlaySta­tion Plus, the Xbox Live Gold sub­scrip­tion ser­vice real­ly needs to step up its game.  It’s a huge weight off my shoul­ders to not have to wor­ry about when my sub­scrip­tion might expire and how that might effect my abil­i­ty to play online or even just watch Netflix.


I’m def­i­nite­ly com­ing around on the idea of stream­ing video from the inter­net.  It’s super con­ve­nient and makes it incred­i­bly easy to use ser­vices like Hulu and Net­flix to watch movies and TV shows.  All this feel­ing instant­ly dis­ap­pears the sec­ond I pop a Blu-ray into my PS3 and real­ize how much bet­ter these videos look in this medi­um.  It’s like eat­ing boxed mac­a­roni, which I like to eat quite a bit, and then going to a fan­cy Ital­ian restau­rant and real­iz­ing just how good it can real­ly be.  While I large­ly watch thing on Net­flix nowa­days, if I real­ly care about a movie I’ll still pick it up on Blu-ray so I can watch it in the full HD glo­ry it real­ly deserves.

I’d like to close by say­ing that I’m in no way say­ing that the PS3 is the best con­sole.  I cur­rent­ly own all of the cur­rent-gen­er­a­tion con­soles and there are sev­er­al things that I love about all of them.  Keep your eyes peeled for more 5 Things about why I love my oth­er systems.

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