Often when I’m rid­ing the rail to or from work, while I’d love to be gam­ing, it’s much eas­i­er to just lis­ten to some tunes.  You might, at this point, be ask­ing what kind of music I lis­ten to dur­ing my com­mute.  I’m here to tell you that, while I often lis­ten to a vari­ety of things, my favorites are usu­al­ly songs from video games.  Here are five of the ones that I crank the vol­ume up all the way when they come on.  I’ve includ­ed links to each song on the title, so feel free to give them a lis­ten and hear for yourself.


Bare Its Fangs — Tales of Destiny

To be hon­est, I’m not quite sure what real­ly gets me going about this song.  While I real­ly did enjoy this RPG, it was nev­er one of my favorites.  In fact, I often for­get what it’s from when it comes on.  That does not how­ev­er negate the fact that it’s a pret­ty rockin’ bat­tle theme.  There’s noth­ing quite like some good bat­tle music to get your blood pumping.

Ocean Theme — The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Say what you will about the sail­ing sec­tions of this game, I would often sail in no par­tic­u­lar direc­tion just so I could lis­ten to this song.  Play­ing it while I’m trav­el­ing some­place makes it seem like I’m going on some kind of quest even when I’m doing quite the oppo­site.  Hav­ing quite pos­si­bly one of the best sound­tracks in the entire Leg­end of Zel­da series, this is one of the best tracks avail­able.  If you don’t get fired up by this song, you might need to check your pulse.

Magnet Man — Mega Man 3

Hon­est­ly, you could just put the entire Mega Man series under this slot, but this is the one I lis­ten to the most.  I lis­ten to it so much that I actu­al­ly have three com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent ver­sions of it.  This series, with full respect to Zel­da and Mario, has some of the best music of any found on the Nin­ten­do Enter­tain­ment Sys­tem.  Even though the orig­i­nal ver­sion is pret­ty short and sweet, it’s still long enough to have keep me enter­tained for a stop or two.

Rainbow Road — Mario Kart: Double Dash

While one of the weak­er games in the Mario Kart series, the Rain­bow Road theme from this game is unde­ni­ably awe­some.  It takes the rel­a­tive­ly mel­low theme from the same track in Mario Kart 64, picks up the pace and gives you the extra boost you need to beat the Spe­cial Cup.  It also reminds me of how much all my friends hate me when I choose that course while we’re play­ing the game.

Space Station Level — VVVVVV

One of my favorite games of 2010 also had a real­ly amaz­ing sound­track.  The main song in VVVVVV, which you hear pret­ty fre­quent­ly through­out the game is easy to get sucked into.  I’ve found myself putting this one on loop and just lis­ten­ing to it for a while.  If you haven’t played this game, you can find it for your com­put­er or 3DS.  You’ll be glad you did and make sure to wear head­phones so you can rock out to this song.

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