Update: I have now embedÂded the archive of this video below. Enjoy!
It’s not always easy to get in to see a game at E3. This year I litÂerÂalÂly had to make the choice between my two favorite franÂchisÂes. Since The LegÂend of ZelÂda has the slight edge, I decidÂed to not go bananas over getÂting in to see ResÂiÂdent Evil 7. ThankÂfulÂly, CapÂcom has released a demo for the upcomÂing title and I have feverÂishÂly avoidÂed all covÂerÂage of it so I can play it live today! So, join me for a playable teasÂer for the next ResÂiÂdent Evil game at 5pm EST! Feel free to comÂment on this post directÂly or head off to my Twitch Page to chat with me as I play!