Admit­ted­ly being a fair­ly casu­al fan of ani­me, Attack on Titan man­aged to be big enough to cap­ture even my atten­tion when it came over here. The way the char­ac­ters move when they bat­tle and the mys­te­ri­ous­ness of the giant naked titans dom­i­nat­ing the world is an intrigu­ing premise in itself. It’s one of those shows that just seems ripe for a video game adap­ta­tion, so you can put your­self in the shoes of the Sur­vey Corps as they fight against the ter­ri­fy­ing giants, slash­ing their necks as they swoop by using their Ver­ti­cal Maneu­ver­ing Equip­ment. There have been many false starts on get­ting a good game, but it looks like Koei Tec­mo may final­ly be giv­ing us the game that will do the series justice.


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