Detec­tive sto­ries have drawn me in for me entire life. There’s noth­ing quite like see­ing a case through from begin­ning to end and some are bite-sized enough to get through in a sin­gle sit­ting. In an ever-increas­ing pan­theon of amaz­ing detec­tives, none will ever be able to match the bril­liance of Sher­lock Holmes. Frog­wares has been doing a splen­did job mak­ing games star­ring the world’s great­est con­sult­ing detec­tive for quite some time, but they real­ly man­aged to hit their stride with their last game Sher­lock Holmes: Crimes and Pun­ish­ments. I got to see one case from their next game, Sher­lock Holmes: The Dev­il’s Daugh­ter, and it looks as though they’ve leaned into what made the pre­vi­ous title great and have put togeth­er anoth­er excit­ing adventure.


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