The sto­ry in the main cam­paign of The Evil With­in was con­fus­ing. It jumped around quite a bit and was, at times, hard to fol­low. Per­son­al­ly, I kind of get into that sort of thing, but I could eas­i­ly see how it turned some peo­ple off. The first piece of DLC in the sea­son pass, The Assign­ment, cer­tain­ly does­n’t stray from this for­mu­la, but it does offer some answers regard­ing some of the ran­dom­ness found with­in the game’s for­mu­la. It also changes up the game­play in a mean­ing­ful way by tak­ing the focus off of com­bat and plac­ing it more on stealth. With each of these fea­tures, Tan­go Game­works makes a rea­son­ably strong argu­ment to come back to last year’s sur­vival hor­ror title for an extra scare.


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