Online retail giant Ama­zon announced yes­ter­day that they will be offer­ing a hefty dis­count on new video games for mem­bers of their Ama­zon Prime ser­vice. Slic­ing 20% off the top of any pre­order or game that has seen a release with­in the last two weeks is sure to draw some gamers that have been on the fence about Ama­zon Prime. Pair that with the release date guar­an­tee the ser­vice offers and they make a rea­son­able case for sign­ing up. This is, how­ev­er, not the first com­pa­ny to offer a sim­i­lar dis­count. Best Buy has their Gamer Club Unlocked ser­vice, which will also get you that hot 20% dis­count, but which one offers the bet­ter val­ue is cer­tain­ly up for debate. Let’s take a sec­ond and com­pare some of the specifics of each service.


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