ProÂfoundÂly spooky locaÂtions and dark foreÂbodÂing design are often the landÂmark for an effecÂtive horÂror game. What could be more terÂriÂfyÂing than runÂning for your life in a dark forÂest or an abanÂdoned insane asyÂlum? Bendy and the Ink Machine takes this idea and flips it on its head by proÂvidÂing an incredÂiÂbly scary expeÂriÂence, while using graphÂics straight out of a carÂtoon from the 1930s. The first two episodes, that have been released thus far, are very short, but they manÂage to instill a sense of dread even while invokÂing those clasÂsic carÂtoons and they look damn good while doing it.