Insert­ing one­self into the action of a video game is what makes vir­tu­al real­i­ty such an immer­sive expe­ri­ence. Bul­let hell games are scary enough as it is, tak­ing place on a 2D plane while tons of bul­lets head towards a tiny ship. Thrust­ing this con­cept into the first-per­son per­spec­tive of a VR shoot­er, Blasters of the Uni­verse takes the brain-bust­ing space man­age­ment of a bul­let hell game and forces you to stare help­less­ly as the sea of bul­lets slow­ly drift towards you. One of the smoother-con­trol­ling shoot­ers I’ve played in PSVR, while rel­a­tive­ly short, it offers plen­ty of chal­lenge that will have you com­ing back for more.


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