VirÂtuÂal realÂiÂty, in its curÂrent form, still hasÂn’t been around very long and many develÂopÂers are activeÂly experÂiÂmentÂing to find what works well for the forÂmat. Off the bat, it’s been easy to see that action and horÂror work well in VR. FatÂed: The Silent Oath has takÂen a difÂferÂent path and proven that there it’s not always about the thrills and chills. EmoÂtionÂalÂly-charged silent moments in this stoÂry based in the world of Norse mytholÂoÂgy highÂlight a new way of telling a stoÂry that makes you feel even more of a conÂnecÂtion to what is happening.