The per­fect for­mu­la for DLC is a par­tic­u­lar­ly hard one to nail down. Div­ing back into the main sto­ry of the game is dif­fi­cult if it’s already been wrapped up, but cre­at­ing some­thing com­plete­ly new may not feel true enough to the orig­i­nal game. This bal­ance, though dif­fi­cult to achieve, is not impos­si­ble and can result in a great way to revis­it the worlds of our favorite games for a short time. Naughty Dog hit the bulls­eye with their DLC The Last of US: Left Behind by tak­ing us back and pro­vid­ing a bit more con­text for some things described dur­ing the main sto­ry. Please make sure you’ve played The Last of Us before read­ing this review as there will be spoil­ers for the main cam­paign ahead.


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