Sat­ur­day morn­ing car­toons were always such a huge pro­duc­tion when I was younger. If you want­ed to see your favorite show, you had to wake up ear­ly and make sure your butt was plant­ed in front of that TV in time to see them. One show that was always worth wip­ing the crust out of my eyes ear­ly on a Sat­ur­day morn­ing was Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Tur­tles. As such, when I heard that Plat­inumGames, who recent­ly released a pret­ty decent Trans­form­ers game, was mak­ing a game based on one of my favorite child­hood car­toons, I was excit­ed. The ques­tion I was faced with after play­ing Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Tur­tles: Mutants in Man­hat­tan end­ed up being whether nos­tal­gia is enough to make an oth­er­wise trou­bled game enjoyable.


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