When the Xbox 360 launched back in 2005, they introĀduced a feaĀture that would forĀevĀer change gamĀing: AchieveĀments. Since then, there have been strong and varyĀing opinĀions on the impliĀcaĀtions of this feaĀture. Some comĀpaĀnies have gone on to copy the feaĀture, while othĀers have purĀposeĀly avoidĀed impleĀmentĀing someĀthing like it. Valveās Steam serĀvice, while it has an achieveĀment sysĀtem of its own, has recentĀly impleĀmentĀed a brand new feaĀture that some are sayĀing is the future of gamĀing achieveĀments. With TradĀing Cards enterĀing the fray, I wantĀed to take a secĀond and look at the pros and cons of each stratĀeĀgy that has been tried thus far.