Sur­vival games are amongst the most dense gam­ing expe­ri­ences that are out there right now. Com­mon­ly just plop­ping you into the world and let­ting you fig­ure things out all by your lone­some, it can be dif­fi­cult to real­ly get into one of these games. It is because of this fact, that I haven’t man­aged to tru­ly get into any sur­vival games as of yet. Shad­ows of Kur­gan­sk, cur­rent­ly in ear­ly access on Steam, fea­tures a sto­ry mode which may just be what I need to get my foot in the door of this genre that has elud­ed me thus far.


San­i­ty as a game mechan­ic is usu­al­ly enough to draw me into near­ly any­thing. Out­side of the one anom­aly, a field that does ran­dom types of dam­age to you over time while you’re near­by, I haven’t see much of the san­i­ty por­tion of the game, but I’m glad it was there to draw me into the expe­ri­ence. So far hav­ing played a small por­tion of what exists in the sto­ry mode, it’s doing a bet­ter job of help­ing me under­stand the mechan­ics than most oth­er sur­vival games I’ve tried before it. Offer­ing con­stant sug­ges­tions and giv­ing main objec­tives that keep me mov­ing for­ward, I start­ed to feel like I under­stood most of the mechan­ics that had been pre­sent­ed to me. It nev­er dis­cour­aged me from branch­ing out and explor­ing, but any time I was at a loss for what to do I could always head back to the main objective.


I feel as though once I’ve com­plet­ed the sto­ry, it will be a lot eas­i­er to jump into the more tra­di­tion­al sur­vival mode and stand a bet­ter, and less frus­trat­ing, chance at mak­ing it through. Check out the video below to see my first few min­utes with the game and if you’re inter­est­ed, you can find Shad­ows of Kur­gan­sk in ear­ly access on Steam right now.

Ear­ly Access copy pro­vid­ed by Jim Red­ner of The Red­ner Group.

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