AgoÂnizÂing over the perÂfect plan, meticÂuÂlousÂly prepÂping all the necÂesÂsary comÂpoÂnents and then havÂing it all come apart due to an unseen cirÂcumÂstance. EscapÂing prison seems like it would be an endeavÂor that which I would fail misÂerÂably to exeÂcute with the perÂfecÂtion it requires. If nothÂing else, The Escapists 2 has only proven this fact as I have spent plenÂty of time in soliÂtary conÂfineÂment for my failed schemes. ThankÂfulÂly, unlike real life, the conÂseÂquences of these failed jailÂbreaks are minÂiÂmal and with enough pracÂtice, I was evenÂtuÂalÂly able to spring myself from the joint. It’s this conÂcept that makes The Escapists 2 the perÂfect action puzÂzle game for anyÂone with a lot of patience lookÂing for a real challenge.