When The JackĀ­box ParĀ­ty Pack first came out, it revĀ­oĀ­luĀ­tionĀ­ized how mulĀ­tiĀ­playĀ­er video games could work at parĀ­ties. So long as everyĀ­one had some kind of smart device, anyĀ­one could pick up and play the simĀ­ple and addicĀ­tiveĀ­ly fun games. As new entries have arrived, there has been a mixed bag of as JackĀ­box Games has experĀ­iĀ­mentĀ­ed with the forĀ­muĀ­la. ComĀ­ing off of what was, in my opinĀ­ion, the best suite of games thus far with The JackĀ­box ParĀ­ty Pack 3, there was a lot to live up to for The JackĀ­box ParĀ­ty Pack 4. Some games sufĀ­fer from overĀ­comĀ­pliĀ­catĀ­ed rules, but largeĀ­ly this is anothĀ­er fun pack of games that any group can enjoy.


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