AtmosĀ­phere, in my humĀ­ble opinĀ­ion, is one of the most imporĀ­tant things a game can creĀ­ate. Back in 2010, PlayĀ­dead introĀ­duced us all to a puzĀ­zle platĀ­former than oozed atmosĀ­phere and creĀ­atĀ­ed a surĀ­prisĀ­ingĀ­ly tense 2ā€‘D expeĀ­riĀ­ence with LimĀ­bo. Since then many develĀ­opĀ­ers have tried to recapĀ­ture the magĀ­ic of this game by mimĀ­icĀ­kĀ­ing its aesĀ­thetĀ­ics or gameĀ­play. ComĀ­ing from this standĀ­point, LukĆ”Å” NavrĆ”til creĀ­atĀ­ed Toby: The Secret Mine as a solo project. While it doesĀ­nā€™t quite recapĀ­ture the tense feelĀ­ing of the game it was inspired by, there are some good moments to latch onto here.


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