GrowÂing up in a highÂly comÂpetÂiÂtive house, I’ve grown into a fair bit of anxÂiÂety when it comes to comÂpetÂiÂtive games. FindÂing one that manÂages to feel just as fun whether you win or lose is rare, but UltiÂmate ChickÂen Horse nails it. I can’t tell you the numÂber of times play sesÂsions devolved into the entire room laughÂing as the ridicuÂlousÂness of the stages grow each round. ComÂing newÂly to the PS4, UltiÂmate ChickÂen Horse is one of the best couch comÂpetÂiÂtive expeÂriÂences availÂable on the conÂsole which can be enjoyed by the whole family.