Vir­tu­al real­i­ty always man­ages to ramp up immer­sion in any game that har­ness­es its pow­er. The first time I checked out the demo for Res­i­dent Evil 7, I felt pret­ty brave upon com­ple­tion. There were a few jump scares, but over­all I man­aged to keep my cool through­out the creepy hall­ways of the Bak­er estate. Then, in the final update to the demo, they switched on the capa­bil­i­ty to play the demo using PlaySta­tion VR. All of that pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence and brav­ery went out the win­dow and I real­ized just how effec­tive the immer­sion that VR cre­ates can be towards mak­ing you feel a part of the game world.


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