It says a lot about how many great games came out this year that Des­tiny end­ed up so low on my top 10 list for the year. The hype train chugged along lead­ing up to the release of Bungie’s first mul­ti-plat­form out­ing since the Halo series and led to some great­ly ele­vat­ed expec­ta­tions. While this def­i­nite­ly led to some peo­ple expect­ing more than Des­tiny end­ed up deliv­er­ing, the fact of the mat­ter is that Bungie still deliv­ered on a gor­geous and fun first-per­son shooter.


Com­pet­i­tive mul­ti­play­er has nev­er been my wheel­house when it comes to first-per­son shoot­ers. As such, I was very excit­ed to dive into the char­ac­ter-build­ing sin­gle-play­er con­tent found with­in Des­tiny. The game instant­ly sucked me in and I had a blast play­ing through all of the con­tent the game held. The main rea­son the game is low­er on the list is that I haven’t had an urge to get back into the game since I’ve fin­ished it, in spite of new con­tent becom­ing avail­able. This should not detract from the fact that I had a great time with it while it last­ed. Bungie knows how to make a good shoot­er and they cer­tain­ly did in this case. It cer­tain­ly deserves to be num­ber 10 on my top 10 list for 2014.

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