The first major PS4 release that I was looking forward to this year was the third game in the super-power fueled action sandbox series inFamous. The promise of inFamous: Second Son was that it would take you to a realistic-looking Seattle and allow you to have a myriad of powers at your disposal. I truly believe that it delivered on both of these in a way that left me quite satisfied. So much so, that I actually took the time to complete everything this game had to offer. With a beautifully realized city and some of the best motion capture work I’ve seen in any game, it was certainly a sight to behold as well as a blast to play.
I happened to go on a trip this year not long before this game came out that put me in Seattle for a couple of days. I saw a few of the major tourist attractions, but mainly just got a feel for the city. The little bit I saw, I certainly felt in inFamous: Second Son. With them being local to the area, you can really tell the effort they put into making the game feel as Seattle as possible. The story of the game had its ups and downs, but I mainly thought it introduced some interesting characters that were fun to get to know a little bit. The performances from the entire cast really brought that aspect of the game together in a big way. The games super powers are also quite a bit of fun, though I definitely enjoyed the neon power the most. inFamous: Second Son certainly deserves the number 5 spot on my top 10 for 2014.