If you and told me last year that I’d soon play a game that com­bined ele­ments of Ace Attor­ney: Phoenix Wright, Per­sona 4 and Virtue’s Last Reward, I’d say you were crazy per­son. Those games don’t appear to fit togeth­er at all on face val­ue, at least not in a way that makes sense. Thank­ful­ly, this did not stop the cre­ators of Dan­gan­ron­pa: Trig­ger Hap­py Hav­oc from releas­ing one of my favorite games this year. With a dark and sil­ly sto­ry, this game sucks you in and doesn’t let you go until the very end. The crazy thing is that the sequel also came out this year, though I only made it a short ways into that game.


Locked in a spe­cial school with “ulti­mate” stu­dents who are the best at what they do, the only way out is to get away with mur­der. Solv­ing the var­i­ous mur­der cas­es is immense­ly fun and sat­is­fy­ing, but even bet­ter than that is get­ting to know the char­ac­ters of the sto­ry. A good sto­ry hinges on the char­ac­ters with­in and this one does a great job of pro­vid­ing some col­or­ful char­ac­ters that just hap­pened to not be as per­fect as they might seem at the start. I’m per­son­al­ly a huge fan of court­room dra­ma, so this was an easy slam dunk for me, but I also high­ly rec­om­mend it to any­one who’s up for an awe­some­ly dark and zany sto­ry. It clear­ly deserves to be my num­ber 4 game on my top 10 for 2014.

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