In tele­vi­sion show form, South Park has been around for quite some time. As such, I’ve been wait­ing for quite a while for there to be a good game based on the series. Frankly, I’m glad it took them this long to actu­al­ly achieve this goal, because South Park: The Stick of Truth is packed to the brim with fan ser­vice from the entire series. Even with­out all of that, the game is a fun and often hilar­i­ous RPG that has final­ly reached the lofty goal of feel­ing like you’re actu­al­ly play­ing an episode of the show.


Hon­est­ly, it seems a lit­tle weird that it took this long to get a good South Park game con­sid­er­ing the ani­ma­tion style of the show. Either way, the game we final­ly end­ed up with is a great RPG, thanks to the folks at Obsid­i­an, and a hilar­i­ous sto­ry that doesn’t over­stay its wel­come thanks to Trey Park­er and Matt Stone. The game absolute­ly nails the look and feel of the show and does a great job of inte­grat­ing the world into the RPG mechan­ics. This may sound weird, but I also found myself hum­ming along with the fan­ta­sy-themed music. All around, we can rejoice that there is final­ly a good South Park game. It def­i­nite­ly deserves the num­ber 8 spot on my top 10 from 2014.

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