Back in 2008, just months before I moved to the Wash­ing­ton DC area, a lit­tle game called Fall­out 3 came out. Not sure what to expect, I dove right in and end­ed up putting quite a bit of time into the game. Sev­en years lat­er and they’ve final­ly released Fall­out 4 upon the world. Sport­ing mas­sive­ly improved shoot­ing mechan­ics and far more inter­est­ing com­pan­ion char­ac­ters than before, Fall­out 4 looks to be a sta­ple in my PS4 for months to come.


Hav­ing an expert­ly-designed char­ac­ter that looks more like me than any oth­er game yet has made the expe­ri­ence more immer­sive than ever before. The weapon and armor craft­ing sys­tem is also amaz­ing as I cur­rent­ly have a hand­gun that I’ve mod­ded enough that I named it. The world is huge and way more var­ied than in the past games, which makes it a delight to explore. Not to men­tion Nick Valen­tine is one of the coolest part­ner char­ac­ters in any of these games to date. All this makes it easy to pick Fall­out 4 as my num­ber 7 game in my top 10 for the year. Also, my hand­gun’s name is Val.

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