One of the first games I ever backed on Kick­starter, Super­hot was def­i­nite­ly one of the hottest games of 2016 for me. I was sold based on the premise alone, eas­i­ly spot­ting an awe­some game­play mechan­ic from its ear­li­est stages. Oth­er games on this list have a clear edge with time spent play­ing, but the state­ment that Super­hot is able to make in the short time it takes to com­plete makes it well worth rec­og­niz­ing. Com­ing up with a tru­ly orig­i­nal idea in a sea of remakes and sequels, Super­hot shines in almost every cat­e­go­ry and is a true crowd-fund­ing suc­cess story.


Nar­ra­tive was nev­er any­thing I was expect­ing out of what I had seen of Super­hot ear­ly on. To my delight, there is an intrigu­ing sto­ry hid­den in the game with an end­ing worth play­ing all the way through to see. The time-based mechan­ics of the main game seemed like a lofty con­cept to deliv­er on, but the pas­sion­ate Super­hot Team man­aged to pull it off in spades. Every lev­el has you feel­ing like a badass by the end as it plays the oth­er­wise impos­si­ble maneu­vers back in real time. The pac­ing of the dif­fi­cul­ty in the game is per­fect and man­ages to chal­lenge you with­out deal­ing out an exces­sive amount of frus­tra­tion. I would load it up right now and play some more, which makes Super­hot an excel­lent num­ber ten in my top ten games of 2016.

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