The one PC game that has always held a spe­cial place in my heart is Doom. After such a lengthy devel­op­ment cycle, I was on the fence about get­ting it at all. In the end, id Soft­ware made it worth the wait and the new Doom is a phe­nom­e­nal game. Chan­nel­ing just about every­thing that made the orig­i­nal Doom games great, it updates the for­mu­la per­fect­ly and brings a clas­sic game into a new gen­er­a­tion just as well as the likes of Oca­ri­na of Time. Frankly, it was all out war between Doom and my num­ber one game, with the decid­ing fac­tor being that I got side-tracked and haven’t fin­ished the entire Doom cam­paign. Even still, this game well deserves as high a spot as it got on my list.

DoomBenGuyOne of the best parts of the new Doom is the rhythm they’ve man­aged to put togeth­er for the com­bat. Each time that death met­al starts up and I’m slay­ing demons, it feels a lot smoother than any oth­er FPS I’ve played. Work­ing the glo­ry kills into gain­ing health and using the chain­saw to get more ammo means you’ve got lots of rea­son and oppor­tu­ni­ty to switch things up as you play. What I did­n’t expect at all was just how hilar­i­ous the writ­ing for the sto­ry would end up being. All of the lore the game throws in there with the Doom­slay­er and the atti­tude the play­er char­ac­ter has towards every­thing hits in just the right way and con­tin­ues to be enter­tain­ing well into the cam­paign. I don’t need to go to Hell to know that Doom is an easy choice for num­ber two in my top ten games of 2016.

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