Vir­tu­al real­i­ty plat­forms saw their first major retail releas­es in 2016 and they were plen­ty of excel­lent games to try out with the new hard­ware. Job Sim­u­la­tor was one of the most uni­ver­sal­ly loved titles amongst those released. It is almost always the first thing I boot up to show off vir­tu­al real­i­ty to some­one new to the concept.The approach­able nature of this game is sec­ond only to the humor that it exudes in every lev­el. Job Sim­u­la­tor takes the mun­dane con­cepts of work­ing a bor­ing job and makes them hilar­i­ous by rein­ter­pret­ing them from the per­spec­tive of a com­put­er who has only read about what they’re like. The result is so deft­ly exe­cut­ed that you can’t help but laugh out loud at every job.


Every sin­gle time I strap any­one into this game there is a huge grin plas­tered across their face through­out. The amount of detail added into each job is impres­sive. If you want to try some­thing sil­ly with the objects at your dis­pos­al, the team at Owlche­my Labs has already insert­ed a joke about it. Every­thing from cre­at­ing soup-fla­vored soup to using a pho­to­copi­er to cre­ate end­less donuts is great fun to exper­i­ment with and explore. Each job is also short enough that noth­ing over­stays its wel­come. I look for­ward to what comes next from Owlche­my Labs and would be ecsta­t­ic for some Job Sim­u­la­tor DLC, which makes it a prime choice for num­ber sev­en in my top ten games of 2016.

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