Virtual reality platforms saw their first major retail releases in 2016 and they were plenty of excellent games to try out with the new hardware. Job Simulator was one of the most universally loved titles amongst those released. It is almost always the first thing I boot up to show off virtual reality to someone new to the concept.The approachable nature of this game is second only to the humor that it exudes in every level. Job Simulator takes the mundane concepts of working a boring job and makes them hilarious by reinterpreting them from the perspective of a computer who has only read about what they’re like. The result is so deftly executed that you can’t help but laugh out loud at every job.
Every single time I strap anyone into this game there is a huge grin plastered across their face throughout. The amount of detail added into each job is impressive. If you want to try something silly with the objects at your disposal, the team at Owlchemy Labs has already inserted a joke about it. Everything from creating soup-flavored soup to using a photocopier to create endless donuts is great fun to experiment with and explore. Each job is also short enough that nothing overstays its welcome. I look forward to what comes next from Owlchemy Labs and would be ecstatic for some Job Simulator DLC, which makes it a prime choice for number seven in my top ten games of 2016.