It was easy to lose heart after the garbage fire that was Res­i­dent Evil 6. Thank­ful­ly, Cap­com stepped up and deliv­ered a brand new Res­i­dent Evil expe­ri­ence that is both brand new feel­ing and upholds the roots of what makes the series fun. Bring­ing the series into the first-per­son per­spec­tive was bold move, but it paid off with Res­i­dent Evil 7. Even though the point of view changed, every­thing about the game­play like man­ag­ing ammo, find­ing keys, care­ful­ly nav­i­gat­ing cor­ri­dors and even open­ing doors still felt unique­ly like it belonged in the series. Play­ing the game in vir­tu­al real­i­ty is one of the most intense expe­ri­ences I’ve done in gam­ing. Many parts of the game are very scary and being put into that world through a VR head­set only makes it that much more ter­ri­fy­ing. The sto­ry is self-con­tained enough that folks who are new to the series can eas­i­ly join in now, with some sly east­er eggs for series vet­er­ans. The char­ac­ters, espe­cial­ly the Bak­er fam­i­ly, are inter­est­ing to learn about and the sto­ry goes to some cool places by the end. Many peo­ple have crit­i­cized the lat­ter por­tion of the game for becom­ing more action heavy, but if you look at pre­vi­ous games in the series, it actu­al­ly fol­lows a sim­i­lar pat­tern in that regard. I played through this game four times in 2017 alone and will like­ly go back for anoth­er round in 2018. In any oth­er year, this would have been an easy top spot, but I reluc­tant­ly call Res­i­dent Evil 7: Bio­haz­ard the 2nd best game of 2017.


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