The mark of a high qual­i­ty dif­fi­cult game is when it man­ages to be incred­i­bly fun as well. Cup­head was quick­ly on most peo­ple’s radar due to the art style which oozes the charm of 1930s car­toons. Play­ing Cup­head, it’s almost incom­pre­hen­si­ble how Stu­dioMDHR was able to so accu­rate­ly and flu­id cre­at­ed the look of this game. Many peo­ple have float­ed the phrase “it’s like play­ing a car­toon” about games before, but it has nev­er been more true than with Cup­head. The char­ac­ters are fun and styl­ish and it has one of the best and most fit­ting sound­tracks of the year. On top of every­thing else, the game is fun as hell! Each boss takes tri­al and error, patience and feels amaz­ing every time you beat them. Cup­head cer­tain­ly deserves the spot as the 5th best game of 2017.


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