Greet­ings from sun­ny south­ern Cal­i­for­nia every­one! I’m here to attend E3 and I could­n’t be more excit­ed to see what every­one has to show. I just want­ed to give you all a run­down of where to go if you’re look­ing to fol­low me on my E3 adven­tures. I very typ­i­cal­ly tweet often at these shows, so you can check my Twit­ter account, @Hamsterman2049, for the lat­est of my adven­tures. I’ll also be post­ing arti­cles like a mad man to the ESH page. As always, I will do my best to expe­di­ent­ly post links to those arti­cles here on Smashed Rook as well. Stay tuned, it’s going to be an excit­ing show!


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