Let’s face it, we’ve all wantÂed to step into the badass boots of the Dark Knight at some point. VirÂtuÂal realÂiÂty can finalÂly make this posÂsiÂble with BatÂman: Arkham VR. RockÂsteady, makÂers of the best BatÂman games out there, have craftÂed a short but sweet expeÂriÂence that throws you into the series and focusÂes on the crime-solvÂing aspects of the series. The expeÂriÂence doesÂn’t last quite long enough to be be someÂthing you’ll come back to freÂquentÂly, but what is there has been polÂished to a high shine and it will cerÂtainÂly be one of the first things I’ll use to show off the techÂnolÂoÂgy to my famÂiÂly and friends.