Thank­ful­ly, I’ve nev­er tak­en drugs or had any kind of psy­che­del­ic trip that’s gone ter­ri­bly wrong. From how it has been depict­ed in movies, I can’t imag­ine you could get much clos­er than, what is prob­a­bly my favorite PSVR launch title, Thumper. A game that is apt­ly described as “rhythm vio­lence” has you bar­rel­ing down a path as a scarab bee­tle mak­ing sharp turns and bust­ing through bar­ri­ers in a world that is made all the more ter­ri­fy­ing when you strap a VR head­set around your face. In an inter­est­ing twist, Thumper does not require VR to play, yet from my expe­ri­ence immers­ing your­self in the visu­als via PSVR gives you a mas­sive advan­tage towards nail­ing though cues.


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