Even with my move coming up this weekend, I’ve still managed to squeeze in some gaming over the few days. More specifically, let’s talk about what’s been going on for the last 24 hours or so. I’ve managed to be thoroughly bested to my highly skilled spouse in iPhone game Threes, snuck in a little of inFAMOUS: Second Son both on my PS4 and web browser and continue my quest for a platinum trophy in Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc on the Vita.
Let’s start with Threes, which has been occupying most of my time. This is the most fun I’ve had with an iOS game in quite a while. I have been thoroughly addicted to try and best Kim’s high score which she got on my very device (rude!), but to little avail. If you’re not familiar, Threes is a game where you are presented with a 4X4 board with various numbers on it. With a single swipe, you can move all of the numbered tiles one space in what ever direction you want until they hit a wall or another tile that itself is against a wall. If the two numbers are identical, or a 1 and 2, they will combine into their sum and free up a space. The wrinkle is, each turn another tile moves onto the board. Once no more spaces are free, the game is over and it tallies up your score.
Kim has managed to get a 384 tile on the board and thus holds the high score. I’ve gotten darn close to getting one myself, but no luck just yet. In the meantime, I’ve really grown to enjoy the strategy of the game and the excitement whenever you create each larger tile. This is unfortunately coupled with frustration whenever my game ends yet again with a low score. Honestly, it’s just a game, but the carrot-on-a-stick-like quality of the score to beat is a fun way to keep me engaged.
I was definitely expecting inFAMOUS: Second Son to be a fun game. That part has proven to be expectedly true thus far and even with a few silly glitches, it’s been great. The part I didn’t expect was that I would have even more of the game to experience in my web browser. The game contains an extra set of missions dealing with a mysterious character who appears to have paper powers. Entitled inFAMOUS Paper Trail, this section of the game has you hunt down clues in the actual game and then do a little detective work on a website afterwards. If you link your PSN account with the website, it will then automatically detect it in the PS4 section of the game and you will progress accordingly.
I enjoyed doing the detective work on the browser, but have yet to get back on the PS4 afterwards to see what types of rewards I’ve unlocked for doing so. I’m really hoping you’ll get to eventually unlock the paper power, which in-game look a bit like a re-skinned version of neon, but I won’t make any assumptions until I finish the side-missions.
Having gotten a platinum trophy in Virtue’s Last Reward, I almost feel as though I’m obligated to go for the platinum in Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. If you’re not familiar, this game is another in the visual novel genre that is swiftly growing to be one of my favorites as of late. Basically, most of the game involves reading a story as it unfolds, only with the accompaniment of music and images. You also get to take the reins, control the main character walking around quite a bit and even make some decisions that may effect the outcome of the game.
Technically, I’ve already beaten the game, but there is more to it once you’ve finished the main story which leads to the extra trophies to unlock. The main parts I still need to get trophies for involves interacting more with each of the individual characters in the game and learning more about them. Frankly it’s a bit more tedious than the game was before I finished it, but I’m still enjoying myself. The remained trophies also seem very dooable, which has kept me going towards unlocking everything. Not a bad way to spend a commute if I do say so myself.
That seems like a lot now that I’ve got it down, but I really have been spending most of my time packing and getting ready for my big move. I am going to leave most of my big game systems hooked up until the very moment they need to be moved though, so I can make sure to keep myself sane throughout the packing process.