Why This Game?
I have been sitÂting on this one for a while, but decidÂed it was finalÂly time to crack this one open over the weekÂend and grab the relÂaÂtiveÂly easy platÂinum in NCIS for PS3. This is one of those famousÂly easy games to platÂinum, all of the troÂphies are unmissÂable, but what endÂed up being more interÂestÂing was how much fun I had with it. I’ll get to that a bit latÂer, but sufÂfice to say that this might be my most-recÂomÂmendÂed easy platÂinum ever earned.
Was it Quick?
I’m honÂestÂly not sure if this is the fastest platÂinum I’ve ever gotÂten, but it’s defÂiÂniteÂly up there. ConÂtainÂing a total of 4 episodes, this game is super short. Each episode should take you someÂwhere around an hour, though they do vary in length a bit. In a day where I had othÂer things going on, I was easÂiÂly able to finÂish the game and colÂlect my covÂetÂed 100% in just two sitÂtings. (9 out of 10)
Was it Easy?
In stark conÂtrast to the entry from last week, this is about as easy as you can get. Just play through the game and you’re done. ComÂbined with the short length, this makes it feel like one of the easÂiÂest platÂinum troÂphies out there. There are a couÂple of crime scenes in the game with some reaÂsonÂably tough clues to spot, but I nevÂer used a guide and came out pretÂty quickÂly. Yes, if you’re lookÂing for a mindÂless platÂinum, this is where you should look first, perÂhaps even before the majorÂiÂty of the TellÂtale games out there. (10 out of 10)
Was It Fun?
This one looked like a bit of a slog from the outÂside lookÂing in. I’m pleased to say that I couldÂn’t have been more wrong. Let me be clear: NCIS is not a well-made game. The charÂacÂter modÂels look awful, I am still conÂvinced one of the voice-actors is comÂputÂer-genÂerÂatÂed and some of the conÂtrols are bafÂflingÂly poorÂly thought-out. That said, someÂtimes a game tranÂscends qualÂiÂty and just becomes beauÂtiÂful in spite of its flaws. ComÂing into the game havÂing nevÂer seen a sinÂgle episode of the NCIS TV show, I could not difÂferÂenÂtiÂate between intenÂtionÂal wackÂiÂness and hastiÂly designed jankÂiÂness. This made for conÂstant hilarÂiÂous moments that deserves its own drinkÂing game. (9 out of 10)
Any OthÂer Thoughts?
Going into this game, I expectÂed it to be fairÂly simÂiÂlar to the CSI games I’ve played in the past. In many ways this endÂed up being true, but where those games can end up takÂing themÂselves more seriÂousÂly than perÂhaps they deserve, it felt as though NCIS knew exactÂly what it is: a hastiÂly-develÂoped cash grab for a popÂuÂlar proÂceÂdurÂal crime show. Going into this game with the right frame of mind will make you enjoy the entire expeÂriÂence and come out the othÂer endÂed with one of the easÂiÂest platÂinums out there.