
Why This Game?

I would be lying if I did­n’t say that this one was­n’t per­son­al. Res­i­dent Evil is one of my favorite series and I can con­fi­dent­ly say that this lat­est entry is one of the best yet. Res­i­dent Evil 7: Bio­haz­ard being a rel­a­tive­ly short game over­all also con­tributed to my dri­ve to make this my first plat­inum tro­phy of the series, though it being an immense­ly fun game did­n’t hurt. Look­ing at the ini­tial tro­phy list, it did­n’t seem like too much of a tough one to tack­le, but like any plat­inum, there are a few obsta­cles that are easy to under­es­ti­mate when you’re sim­ply star­ing at a list. That being said, let’s break this one down.

Was it Quick?

While it is cer­tain­ly faster than some­thing like Blood­borne, it’s not espe­cial­ly quick either. The game itself is beat­able in a short amount of time, around 4 hours if you hur­ry, but it’s not quite that sim­ple. Due to some tro­phies that require beat­ing the game under cer­tain con­di­tions, you are def­i­nite­ly on the hook for mul­ti­ple play-throughs. Per­son­al­ly, I accom­plished this in four sep­a­rate play-throughs, with a total of approx­i­mate­ly 27 hours in the game. I high­ly rec­om­mend at least one com­plete­ly blind play-through of Res­i­dent Evil 7, but if you are sim­ply in it for the bling, you could like­ly do it in three. Even with a guide, it’s unlike­ly you could man­age it in two, so you’re like­ly in for a min­i­mum of about 15 hours. (5 out of 10)

Was it Easy?

Every now and then, I’ll hit a wall with a plat­inum that feels near­ly insur­mount­able. It’s not that I don’t know what to do, but that I’m sim­ply not good enough at the game. Mad­house dif­fi­cul­ty in this game forced me into this sit­u­a­tion a few times. I spent a few hours with a sequence in that dif­fi­cul­ty that took me about five min­utes in the stan­dard mode. In addi­tion, there are sev­er­al con­di­tion­al tro­phies that you can com­plete all at once to save some time. Let’s go over these real­ly quick­ly: Nev­er unnec­es­sar­i­ly open the item box, use three or few­er heal­ing items and fin­ish the game in under four hours. I accom­plished all three of these at once and felt damn proud. It’s not insur­mount­able, but there are some tough as nails tro­phies in this game. (3 out of 10)

Was It Fun?

As I men­tioned, Res­i­dent Evil is one of my favorite series of all time and I had a blast with this one. I hap­pi­ly play this game basi­cal­ly four times back-to-back and will like­ly play it again some­time in the future. There were some frus­trat­ing moments on the high­er dif­fi­cul­ty, but suc­ceed­ing in those tasks was sat­is­fy­ing enough that it felt worth the effort. If you like hor­ror games, you owe it to your­self to at least give Res­i­dent Evil 7 a try. I per­son­al­ly had a ton of fun going for the plat­inum in this game and will like­ly con­tin­ue to try and get the tro­phies from the DLC as well. (9 out of 10)

Any Oth­er Thoughts?

More than most of my oth­er plat­inums, this one was all about my pas­sion for the Res­i­dent Evil series. Most of the oth­er games have a tro­phy list that is beyond ridicu­lous, so being able to grab this one felt good. As for the game itself, Res­i­dent Evil 7: Bio­haz­ard is the best game I’ve played this year so far. In fair­ness, I have yet to play either Hori­zon: Zero Dawn or The Leg­end of Zel­da: Breath of the Wild, so I guess we’ll just have to see how that goes down in the end. I would rec­om­mend this game to almost any­one regard­less of whether you’re look­ing to get that plat­inum tro­phy. If you are a tro­phy hunter, this game is a high­ly sat­is­fy­ing plat­inum, though it does require a good bit of time and skill.

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