Why This Game?
Aside from being a pretĀty rad mulĀtiĀplayĀer game, RockĀet League is easy to pick up and play, but difĀfiĀcult to masĀter. When I startĀed, I realĀly had no intenĀtion of attemptĀing to get the platĀinum troĀphy. After spendĀing some time with it howĀevĀer, I noticed that many of the troĀphies had popped in just norĀmal play, so I decidĀed to put forth the extra effort and grab the covĀetĀed top-rankĀing troĀphy to comĀmemĀoĀrate my fun times with the car-based socĀcer game.
Was it Quick?
This one startĀed out lookĀing like it was going to be rather speedy. TroĀphies were popĀping left and right and that comĀpleĀtion perĀcent was climbĀing quickĀly. There are a few standĀout troĀphies howĀevĀer that did take some extra time. ParĀticĀuĀlarĀly, unlockĀing all of the items was a big time suck. You need to finĀish a cerĀtain numĀber of matchĀes and you can only set the match time so low. Itās not hard, espeĀcialĀly if youāre playĀing the game anyĀway, but it does take time. It took me about a week, just playĀing a few hours a day, to grab this platĀinum. (7 out of 10)
Was it Easy?
This endĀed up being a comĀbiĀnaĀtion of yes and no. There were no troĀphies in this set that I felt I didĀnāt have the skill to accomĀplish. HitĀting in the backĀspin goal took me a few tries, but it realĀly wasĀnāt a big deal. The difĀfiĀculĀty here lies more in the dedĀiĀcaĀtion and time comĀmitĀment. This is the first and only troĀphy, the one involvĀing driĀving on a parĀticĀuĀlar set of tires, Iāve ever gotĀten by tying a rubĀber band around my conĀtroller. GetĀting it natĀuĀralĀly, which I did attempt at first, was just too much of a slog and I ran out of steam fast. Aside from that, and the aforeĀmenĀtioned āunlock everyĀthingā troĀphy, itās an easy path to the platĀinum. (7 out of 10)
Was It Fun?
Iāve harped on quite a bit on those grind-heavy troĀphies in there, but let me clarĀiĀfy once again that this game is a ton of fun to play. HonĀestĀly, just playĀing the game natĀuĀralĀly will defĀiĀniteĀly get you there evenĀtuĀalĀly. Just nevĀer switch your tires and youāll be good. The main game is probĀaĀbly one of the betĀter mulĀtiĀplayĀer expeĀriĀences to come out recentĀly and the majorĀiĀty of those troĀphies can even be gotĀten rather quickĀly just playĀing the fun parts of this game. TakĀing the game and tryĀing to grind out some of those othĀer troĀphies does suck the fun out of the expeĀriĀence. All in all, I had a great time and conĀsidĀer it worth the effort. (8 out of 10)
Any OthĀer Thoughts?
SimĀiĀlarĀly to DeadĀlight: DirecĀtorās Cut, this is a relĀaĀtiveĀly easy platĀinum in a fun game, right up until those last few troĀphies. They donāt comĀpleteĀly ruin the expeĀriĀence, but anyĀthing that inspires me to attach a rubĀber band to my conĀtroller canāt be all that fun. That being said, regardĀless of whether you intend upon going for the platĀinum, you should defĀiĀniteĀly play some RockĀet League. Heck, you may even decide to go for the platĀinum yoursel, just make sure you have some rubĀber bands ready to go.