Why This Game?

Aside from being a pretĀ­ty rad mulĀ­tiĀ­playĀ­er game, RockĀ­et League is easy to pick up and play, but difĀ­fiĀ­cult to masĀ­ter. When I startĀ­ed, I realĀ­ly had no intenĀ­tion of attemptĀ­ing to get the platĀ­inum troĀ­phy. After spendĀ­ing some time with it howĀ­evĀ­er, I noticed that many of the troĀ­phies had popped in just norĀ­mal play, so I decidĀ­ed to put forth the extra effort and grab the covĀ­etĀ­ed top-rankĀ­ing troĀ­phy to comĀ­memĀ­oĀ­rate my fun times with the car-based socĀ­cer game.

Was it Quick?

This one startĀ­ed out lookĀ­ing like it was going to be rather speedy. TroĀ­phies were popĀ­ping left and right and that comĀ­pleĀ­tion perĀ­cent was climbĀ­ing quickĀ­ly. There are a few standĀ­out troĀ­phies howĀ­evĀ­er that did take some extra time. ParĀ­ticĀ­uĀ­larĀ­ly, unlockĀ­ing all of the items was a big time suck. You need to finĀ­ish a cerĀ­tain numĀ­ber of matchĀ­es and you can only set the match time so low. Itā€™s not hard, espeĀ­cialĀ­ly if youā€™re playĀ­ing the game anyĀ­way, but it does take time. It took me about a week, just playĀ­ing a few hours a day, to grab this platĀ­inum. (7 out of 10)

Was it Easy?

This endĀ­ed up being a comĀ­biĀ­naĀ­tion of yes and no. There were no troĀ­phies in this set that I felt I didĀ­nā€™t have the skill to accomĀ­plish. HitĀ­ting in the backĀ­spin goal took me a few tries, but it realĀ­ly wasĀ­nā€™t a big deal. The difĀ­fiĀ­culĀ­ty here lies more in the dedĀ­iĀ­caĀ­tion and time comĀ­mitĀ­ment. This is the first and only troĀ­phy, the one involvĀ­ing driĀ­ving on a parĀ­ticĀ­uĀ­lar set of tires, Iā€™ve ever gotĀ­ten by tying a rubĀ­ber band around my conĀ­troller. GetĀ­ting it natĀ­uĀ­ralĀ­ly, which I did attempt at first, was just too much of a slog and I ran out of steam fast. Aside from that, and the aforeĀ­menĀ­tioned ā€œunlock everyĀ­thingā€ troĀ­phy, itā€™s an easy path to the platĀ­inum. (7 out of 10)

Was It Fun?

Iā€™ve harped on quite a bit on those grind-heavy troĀ­phies in there, but let me clarĀ­iĀ­fy once again that this game is a ton of fun to play. HonĀ­estĀ­ly, just playĀ­ing the game natĀ­uĀ­ralĀ­ly will defĀ­iĀ­niteĀ­ly get you there evenĀ­tuĀ­alĀ­ly. Just nevĀ­er switch your tires and youā€™ll be good. The main game is probĀ­aĀ­bly one of the betĀ­ter mulĀ­tiĀ­playĀ­er expeĀ­riĀ­ences to come out recentĀ­ly and the majorĀ­iĀ­ty of those troĀ­phies can even be gotĀ­ten rather quickĀ­ly just playĀ­ing the fun parts of this game. TakĀ­ing the game and tryĀ­ing to grind out some of those othĀ­er troĀ­phies does suck the fun out of the expeĀ­riĀ­ence. All in all, I had a great time and conĀ­sidĀ­er it worth the effort. (8 out of 10)

Any OthĀ­er Thoughts?

SimĀ­iĀ­larĀ­ly to DeadĀ­light: DirecĀ­torā€™s Cut, this is a relĀ­aĀ­tiveĀ­ly easy platĀ­inum in a fun game, right up until those last few troĀ­phies. They donā€™t comĀ­pleteĀ­ly ruin the expeĀ­riĀ­ence, but anyĀ­thing that inspires me to attach a rubĀ­ber band to my conĀ­troller canā€™t be all that fun. That being said, regardĀ­less of whether you intend upon going for the platĀ­inum, you should defĀ­iĀ­niteĀ­ly play some RockĀ­et League. Heck, you may even decide to go for the platĀ­inum yoursel, just make sure you have some rubĀ­ber bands ready to go.

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