You know what my favorite price is? Free. At any giv­en moment there are usu­al­ly a decent num­ber of free games out there to grab. No, I don’t mean the games that are always free, I’m talk­ing about the ones that usu­al­ly cost mon­ey. So, I’ve gath­ered togeth­er all of the sources I usu­al­ly check and have com­piled it here for your con­sum­ing plea­sure. Hit me up and let me know if there’s any­where else I should fre­quent for free game, or per­haps just some that I’ve missed.


Club Nin­ten­do:

The Leg­end of Zel­da: A Link to the Past (Wii, 150 Play Coins) — Wide­ly regard­ed as, not only the best game in the beloved Zel­da fran­chise, but one of the best ever. It’s only a few sur­veys away, so grab it now!

Metroid (3DS, 150 Play Coins) — The NES clas­sic that start­ed an entire series of roam­ing around and col­lect­ing pow­er ups to advance through the world. Hard to argue with hav­ing it on your 3DS.

Dillon’s Rolling West­ern (3DS, 200 Play Coins) — An inter­est­ing com­bo of action and tow­er defense. Haven’t played this one, might get it myself!

Art Style: CUBELLO (Wii, 150 Play Coins) — This game involves shoot­ing at cubes. There’s also a robot­ic voice in there. Could be inter­est­ing, but you’d prob­a­bly do bet­ter with A Link to the Past.

PlaySta­tion Plus:

Dragon’s Dog­ma: Dark Arisen — Just fin­ished down­load­ing this one on my PS3. Have heard pret­ty decent things about this game that pits tiny you against giant monsters.

Games with Gold:

A World of Keflings — One of the few games on Xbox 360 that actu­al­ly puts you in your avatar’s shoes, explore the world of the Keflings. Not sure if I’ll play this one, but I’ll down­load it. Why not, right?


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