JoysÂtiq is reportÂing that preÂviÂous NinÂtenÂdo 3DS excluÂsive ResÂiÂdent Evil: RevÂeÂlaitons RevÂeÂlaÂtions will be headÂing to PS3 and 360. This title, while designed for the portable conÂsole, is well suitÂed to be upscaled to the TV. It also hapÂpens to be the best ResÂiÂdent Evil game that’s been released this year. This is a litÂtle odd figÂurÂing we’ve had three games released in the series this year alone, but still every bit worth celebrating.
The game takes you aboard a giant cruise ship and pits you against the T‑Abyss virus, which turns peoÂple into horÂriÂfyÂing octoÂpus zomÂbies. The game brings back a lot of the susÂpense that fans have been clamÂorÂing for and the cramped space of the ship adds an extra eleÂment of clausÂtroÂphoÂbia which ups the tenÂsion in the best way. The conÂtrols, made easÂiÂer with the CirÂcle Pad Pro attachÂment, are a perÂfect fit for the PS3 and 360 controller.
Keep an eye out for more details as they come for this title headÂing for HD consoles.
Source | JoysÂtiq