What Is

This Website -

Per­son­al blog and sound­ing board for the one and only, wise and mighty, great and pow­er­ful, hun­gry Ben Horn.  Here, I will talk at length about the joys of play­ing video games and share some fun videos with you.  Come take a seat and check out my wares!  Below you’ll find a list of some kinds of arti­cles and videos that’ll be going up.

RE2 Ben

Wednesday Night Stream -

Every Wednes­day at 8pm (EST) I stream some video game action on my Twitch page. Games will range from pop­u­lar new things that have just come out to obscure old things that you’ve maybe not heard of. What will always be up there are some fun times! Whether I’m play­ing Far Cry 4 or the Eng­lish trans­la­tion of Clock Tow­er for the SNES, it’s always worth stop­ping by!


5 Things -

Ever notice how there are often five of some­thing?  In these arti­cles, things always come in fives.  Join me as I take a video game relat­ed top­ic and explore five points.  Come on, it’ll be fun, edu­ca­tion­al, enter­tain­ing, weird and awesome!


Ramblings -

Have you ever put a pen to paper and just writ­ten what came to your mind?  Well, I think I vague­ly recall what these pen and paper things were, but it’s the same con­cept here.  I take a top­ic and just stick my hands over my key­board until I’m done.  No edit­ing, no proof­read­ing, you’re get­ting my uncen­sored thoughts on your screen.


On the Bright Side -

When a game takes a turn for the worst and ends up dis­ap­point­ing the fans who had been eager­ly await­ing its arrival, it breaks my heart.  Every game deserves its day and now they shall have it with these arti­cles.  I take a crit­i­cal­ly despised game and do my best to say some­thing nice about it.  There, isn’t that all bet­ter now?


Gameplayer -

I’m going to let you in on a lit­tle secret; I play some video games.  Not a secret?  Okay, but how would you like to find out which ones I’ve been play­ing recent­ly?  Words on a page, or hilar­i­ous pho­tos?  I’ll take your silence to mean you want the pic­tures.  Or maybe it’s because you’re read­ing this on your com­put­er and not in the same room as me.  Oh well, pic­tures it is.


Smashed Rook Presents -

These will be a col­lec­tion of short enter­tain­ment films for you to watch and laugh.  Pos­si­bly includ­ing sequels to already beloved videos that cur­rent­ly exist on my YouTube page.  You know the one I’m talk­ing about.  That movie that was real­ly hilar­i­ous and awe­some.  Keep an eye out!