One of the most excit­ing things to hear at any con­fer­ence is that some­thing is avail­able imme­di­ate­ly. When Sony announced that an inter­ac­tive teas­er for a project called P.T. was avail­able to down­load, I ran for my PS4 to expe­ri­ence the hor­ror-based title. Lit­tle did I know I was both in for the scare of my life and an amaz­ing sur­prise. If you want to expe­ri­ence this on your own, I hearti­ly rec­om­mend you imme­di­ate­ly stop read­ing this and just go play it. If not, feel free to read on to hear about how this game freaked me out in a way no game since the orig­i­nal Silent Hill man­aged to a long time ago.


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