Com­pet­i­tive mul­ti­play­er shoot­ers and I have had a rocky rela­tion­ship over the years. I’ve nev­er been very good and it does­n’t take long before it becomes impos­si­ble for me to keep my skill up to par. Spla­toon negates this by cre­at­ing a new main objec­tive for match­es that does­n’t even involve shoot­ing one anoth­er. While you cer­tain­ly can aim your ink at oth­er play­ers, you’ll do much bet­ter remem­ber­ing that, in the end, you should be main­ly focused on cov­er­ing the are­na in your color.


I was skep­ti­cal the first time the trail­er for this new IP by Nin­ten­do ran, but ulti­mate­ly it was easy to be won over by Spla­toon. Not only is it a fresh take on mul­ti­play­er shoot­ers, but it proves that giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, Nin­ten­do can do a great job with online com­po­nents in games. Even with the sol­id base, Nin­ten­do has done a fan­tas­tic job of sup­port­ing the game with new stages, weapons and out­fits after the release. Pair with that, the reg­u­lar Splat Fest events they’ve host­ed and you’ve got an easy choice for num­ber 10 on my top 10 list for 2015.

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