Shak­ing up an exist­ing genre is a risky move. You run the pos­si­bil­i­ty of both alien­at­ing the hard­core play­ers and fail­ing to attract new ones. This makes it all the more spe­cial when a game man­ages to suc­cess­ful­ly turn an entire genre on its head and make you look at it from a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. Under­tale took RPGs and asked the play­er if killing all those mon­sters along the way was nec­es­sary or even right. Giv­ing you the choice and hav­ing the out­come change depend­ing on your choic­es made this a can’t miss game this year.


The con­cept is sim­ple enough that it’s hard to believe that no one real­ly tack­led it before­hand. On my first playthrough of Under­tale, as with most games with karmic choic­es, I went the good guy route. While it cer­tain­ly aligned with what I would have per­son­al­ly done, it turned out to be more dif­fi­cult than I expect­ed. Like­wise, for my sec­ond playthrough, I killed every­thing in my path and it was a lit­tle eas­i­er, but made me feel hor­ri­ble. Pair that with a great sto­ry with a lov­able band of char­ac­ters and you’ve eas­i­ly got my num­ber 9 game in my top 10 games of the year.

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