To be hon­est, before ear­li­er this year, I had nev­er played any of the games in the Fire Emblem series. After try­ing the Game­boy Advance game Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on my 3DS, I was hooked. Lit­tle did I know that Fire Emblem Awak­en­ing would be even bet­ter and keep me play­ing my 3DS for months ear­li­er in the year.


This game upgrades the visu­als of the series, putting it on par with some of the con­soles releas­es it’s had in the last few years. The social fea­tures and replaya­bil­i­ty of this game is what real­ly makes it hard to put down. Being able to bat­tle ran­dom strangers and add them to your team is addic­tive and fun, if a bit intim­i­dat­ing when you run across a real vet­er­an of the series. Nin­ten­do also con­sis­tent­ly sup­port­ed the game with both paid and free DLC which kept it at a great val­ue for quite a while. Play this one at your own risk, it will suck you in, which is why it deserves the num­ber 5 spot on my top ten list this year.

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