
Why This Game?

This is a pret­ty sim­ple ques­tion to answer: It has an uncom­pli­cat­ed tro­phy list. Basi­cal­ly, there are tro­phies through­out the game that pop occa­sion­al­ly and are unmiss­able. The only excep­tion to this rule is the tro­phy for beat­ing the game on hard which, mer­ci­ful­ly, can be done on a sin­gle play-through. This par­tic­u­lar game is actu­al­ly a fair­ly com­mon game in con­ver­sa­tions about gain­ing easy plat­inums, which is why I gave it a shot.

Was it Quick?

The only thing stand­ing in your way of get­ting this one done is fin­ish­ing the game on hard. In my case, that took about 4–5 hours, which I would con­sid­er fair­ly quick. (8 out of 10)

Was it Easy?

Con­sid­er­ing how quick­ly I got it done, it’s hard to say this was­n’t easy. You do go down fair­ly quick­ly, but if you’ve ever played a third-per­son cov­er-based shoot­er, you should be fine here. I would even go as far as to say that this hard mode is eas­i­er than some nor­mal modes out there. The biggest prob­lem I ran into was glitch­es. It did­n’t hap­pen ter­ri­bly often, but every now and again, the mis­er­able AI or an unfair death would rear its head. When all is said and done, you can push your way through this one even­tu­al­ly. (8 out of 10)

Was It Fun?

I’m typ­i­cal­ly a fair­ly pos­i­tive per­son and try to say some­thing nice about every game I play. That being said, this is a fair­ly mediocre game. The visu­als have great need of pol­ish, the game­play is unin­spired at best and the nar­ra­tive is bare­ly even there. There are cer­tain­ly moments that stand out, but over­all this is not a ter­ri­bly fun game. (5 out of 10)

Any Oth­er Thoughts?

This plat­inum seemed like a no-brain­er. Fin­ish the game once on a sin­gle dif­fi­cul­ty and the plat­inum is yours. What real­ly it real­ly comes down to for Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion is con­ve­nience. In a lot of games, you need to be sit­ting there with a guide open on a lap­top or phone to make sure you did­n’t miss that one tricky col­lectible four chap­ters ago. Here, as long as you’re sur­viv­ing, you’ll get that sat­is­fy­ing 100% when you’re done. It won’t be the most fun expe­ri­ence you’ll have, but it’s cer­tain­ly easy. If time isn’t as much of a fac­tor, The Walk­ing Dead: Sea­son 1 offers a sim­i­lar “just beat the game” expe­ri­ence in a much more fun game, but that will add a few hours to the experience.

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